The following theme sessions have been accepted for ICLC16:
Ad hoc cognition and the Whorfian question: towards an experiential and situated model of language-thought interactions
Convenors: Panos Athanasopoulos, Monique Flecken & Norbert Vanek
Multimodal stance-taking in gesture and sign
Convenors: Geert Brône, Fien Andries, Clarissa De Vries, Kurt Feyaerts, Katharina Meissl, Bert Oben, Paul Sambre, and Myriam Vermeerbergen
Grammatical Constructions and the Usage-Based Model
Convenors: Dylan Glynn, Olaf Mikkelsen & Piotr Wyroslak
Pushing Everyone’s Buttons: Cognitive Methods in Political Discourse Analysis
Convenors: Laura A. Janda & Tore Nesset
Diachronic perspectives on form-meaning mapping: Testing the macro-event hypothesis
Convenor: Fuyin (Thomas) Li
New perspectives on communicative efficiency
Convenors: Natalia Levshina & Anita Slonimska
Constructional perspectives on motion event encoding: language typology, usage, and acquisition
Convenors: Karin Madlener-Charpentier & Elsa Liste-Lamas
Words and Meanings: Cross-linguistic variability and regularity in the lexicon
Convenors: Elisabeth Norcliffe & Asifa Majid
Cross-linguistic colexifications across research fields
Convenors: Annika Tjuka and Johann-Mattis List
The conceptualization and embodiment of list constructions across signed and spoken languages
Convenor: Laura Ruth-Hirrel & Sally Rice
Mental Spaces, Blending and Viewpoint: A session in memory of Gilles Fauconnier
Convenors: Eve Sweetser & Barbara Dancygier
Usage-based approaches to multilingualism
Convenors: Antje Endesfelder Quick & Nikolas Koch
In addition to the theme sessions, the International FrameNet Workshop 2023 will be collocated with ICLC16. The call for papers is still open, see the workshop website for more details.