Heike Behrens

Heike Behrens is professor of Cognitive Linguistics and Language Acquisition Research with a joint affiliation in the German and English department at the University of Basel (Switzerland). She specializes in first language acquisition where she takes a constructivist perspective. Her corpus-based work addresses the acquisition of syntactic and morphological categories with special attention to fine-grained developmental processes.
Heike Behrens did her Staatsexamen and MA in English and German at the University of Kiel, and her PhD at the University of Amsterdam. She held research positions at the University of Braunschweig, the Max-Planck-Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen and the Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology at Leipzig, and spent a year as a visiting scholar at the Univerisity of California at Berkeley. Before coming to Basel, she was professor of German Linguistics at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.
Alice Gaby

Alice Gaby is Associate Professor of Linguistics at Monash University, Australia. Her research interests include: semantic and structural typology; the relationship between language, culture and cognition; grammatical description and language reclamation. Her analysis of grammatical structures proceeds from the understanding that they are embedded within a larger communicative system, encompassing multiple languages, registers and modalities. Alice is a non-Indigenous linguist who has collaborated with speakers of Kuuk Thaayorre and other Paman languages since 2002, and has supported language reclamation efforts in various communities around Australia. She is Vice-President of the Australian Linguistics Society and Deputy Chair of Living Languages.
Thomas Hoffmann

Thomas Hoffmann is Full Professor and Chair of English Language and Linguistics at KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt as well as Furong Scholar Distinguished Chair Professor of Hunan Normal University. His main research interests are Construction Grammar, language variation and change, and linguistic creativity. His monographs include Preposition Placement in English (CUP 2011), English Comparative Correlatives: Diachronic and Synchronic Variation at the Lexicon-Syntax Interface (CUP 2019) and The Cognitive Foundation of Post-colonial Englishes: Construction Grammar as the Cognitive Theory for the Dynamic Model (CUP 2021). His textbook on Construction Grammar: The Structure of English (2022) has also recently been published with CUP. He is co-editor (with Graeme Trousdale) of The Oxford Handbook of Construction Grammar (OUP 2013) and together with Alexander Bergs edits the new CUP series Elements in Construction Grammar.
Terry Janzen

Terry Janzen is Professor in Linguistics at the University of Manitoba, Canada, and is a Visiting Professor at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland. Terry’s MA on aspect in American Sign Language (ASL) (Manitoba) and dissertation on topic-comment structure in ASL (New Mexico) were among the first in-depth analyses of grammaticalization in a signed language. He has continued studying grammaticalization in ASL, and has also focused on discourse structure, especially how perspective is marked in the clause in a visual language, gesture for both signers and speakers, and interpretation theory. Terry has published frequently in cognitive linguistics venues, guest editing and contributing to a special issue of Cognitive Linguistics on signed language research with Sherman Wilcox in 2004, and in the same journal more recently on composite utterances and on perspective-marking in past and present spaces in ASL. He has co-editing Signed Language and Gesture Research in Cognitive Linguistics with Barbara Shaffer for the Cognitive Linguistics Research series at de Gruyter Mouton (to appear). Current projects continue his research on grammaticalization, intersubjectivity in interpreted interactions, visualization in simultaneous interpretation, and perspective-taking and stance-taking in signed language/gesture and spoken language/gesture discourse.
Kyoko Ohara

Kyoko Ohara is Professor at Keio University and is a visiting researcher at RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project in Japan. She received her Ph.D. in linguistics from the University of California at Berkeley in1996. She has been applying Frame Semantics and Construction Grammar in analyses of Japanese and English. She is the PI of the Japanese FrameNet project, which has been building Japanese FrameNet and Japanese FrameNet Constructicon. She was a co-editor of the journal Constructions and Frames and has been a co-editor of the Constructional Approaches to Language Series, published by John Benjamins Publishing. Her publications include Constructicography: Constructicon development across languages, co-edited with Benjamin Lyngfelt, Lars Borin, and Tiago Timponi Torrent, and Contributions of Frame Semantics (in Japanese), co-edited with Yo Matsumoto.
Jordan Zlatev

Jordan Zlatev is Professor of General Linguistics and Director of Research for the Division of Cognitive Semiotics at Lund University, Sweden. His current research focuses on polysemiotic communication, and more generally on the nature of language in relation to other semiotic systems like gesture and depiction. His approach to cognitive semiotics is strongly influenced by phenomenology, the philosophy and methodology of lived experience. He is editor-in-chief of Public Journal of Semiotics.